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Nick Pittner

Madison County Democrats on the Move!

Updated: Oct 11, 2021

Madison County Democratic Party Newsletter 1

It's way past time to update all of you about the going’s on in the Madison County Democrat

One of the two corn roast guest speakers, Allison Russo. Ms. Russo subsequently won the Democratic Nomination for the District 15 congressional seat.

Party this year. Here are just a few of the activities so far:

  • Web Site Yes, we now have a web site! or, via Facebook. Check in for the latest updates.

  • Shirts Yes, we have shirts identifying us as Madison County Ohio Democrats. To order yours contact us at or via Facebook,

  • Events Yes, we’ve had events as described below, with more to come.

  • Candidates Yes, we also have endorsed candidates, as well.

  • Are You Ready for Spaghetti?

What’s missing? More of you. So, read on and plan to jump on board the train as it picks up speed – right here in Madison County.

The July corn roast fundraiser, hosted by the Madison County Democratic party, was the perfect event to introduce our two democratic candidates for District 15's congressional seat to Madison County Democrats.

Candidates. The congressional race for the now-vacant Stivers seat, in the 15th congressional district which includes Madison County is on. After hearing presentations from both Greg Betts and Allison Russo, the party endorsed Ms. Russo and made a financial contribution to her campaign. She has an impressive record of success as a campaigner, having twice won an Ohio House seat in a strong Republican district. More importantly, she cares about the people she represents and would represent our interests in Congress. What a welcome change that would be. Learn more about Allison at She is opposed by Mike Carey, a Trump-endorsed former coal lobbyist. Every vote is critical! We have yard signs for Allison.

Potential Candidates. Like you, we’re tired of voting a county ballot with no Democrats running for office, leaving us no choice but the hacks the Republican party-bosses pick to run our county. And, we’re doing something about it. On June 2 the MCDP sponsored the first-ever “candidates’ night” for those interested in possibly running for public office. Lead Ohio, a Columbus organization that trains candidates for the state Democratic Party and others presented “Elections 101”; an overview of the process from the beginner’s viewpoint. We had a total of 21 people in attendance, with over half being potential candidates. If you, or someone you know is interested in running for public office, either partisan or non-partisan, let us know -- we can help.

Fair Districts. Have you noticed that the Republican-dominated Ohio legislature doesn’t seem to care about the people it purports to represent? The year has been marked by an unending stream of absurd legislation that, for example, endangers public health, threatens to destroy our public schools, and seeks to take away the right to vote for many of us. This irresponsible legislation can be traced directly to Ohio’s Gerrymandered electoral districts for the Ohio House and Senate. But that could change under new rules in effect for the first time in Ohio. “Fair Districts” is a nonprofit watchdog organization seeking to ensure that the new rules are followed, so that in the future, the voters pick the candidates, not the other way around. To learn more, go to

Spaghetti. Our fall fundraiser is in the works and it will be a good one. Mark your calendar for carry-out spaghetti dinner and homemade desserts from Ann and Tony’s on Oct. 19 and 20. Plan for $15.00 per meal, donations also welcome.

Fun. And, we have fun as well. Parades, corn roast, meetings with interesting speakers and a common purpose. Want better government? Come and join us, we meet at 7:00 p.m. on the third Monday of every month at the Madison County Engineer’s office 825 U S Highway 42 NE, London, Ohio 43140.

Greene County Democratic party Chairperson and guest speaker, Doris Adams, at the August Madison County Democratic party meeting.

Party members, from left to right, Mike Hall, Barb Niemeyer, Norm Humphrey, Anne Gorman, Ken Truman, Peggy Garrison and Mel Claar, were proud to represent Madison County Democrats in the West Jefferson Ox Roast Parade.

A little rain didn't stop Mike Gorman, Sally Boales or Anne Gorman from working the Madison County Fair gates in July.

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