Howard Foust Citizenship Award
Applicants must:
- Be a senior at one of the following high schools: Jonathan Alder, London, Madison Plains or West Jefferson
- Reside in Madison County
- Be a registered voter if you are 18
Award Details:
- Nonpartisan - you do not need to be a registered Democrat
- One winner will be selected from each school district
- Winners will be awarded a $400 check
- Can be used at a college, cosmetology school, trade school, etc.
- Can be used for tuition, books, tools or other materials
Citizenship can be demonstrated in many ways, such as volunteering in your community,
helping with an election, advocating for an important issue. How have you demonstrated good
citizenship? Tell us in one of the following ways:
- 500 word essay OR
- Multimedia presentation not to exceed 5 minutes
Submit a completed application
Click the button below to apply. ​The deadline to apply is Wednesday, April 9, 2025.